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Advocacy - Building the Case

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Sonoma County Tourism Organizational Audit

When Sonoma County and its Board of Supervisors needed to evaluate the performance of Sonoma County Tourism, it retained Nichols Tourism Group and its alliance partner The Radcliffe Company, recognizing the deep experience of the firms could help benchmark the organization's performance and provide the County a foundation for its evaluation. Areas such as organizational governance , financial accountability and reporting procedures and various marketing and promotional efforts were investigated. Through this work, a deeper connection and confidence was established between the organizations and ongoing financial support for Sonoma County Tourism was provided.

Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau Organizational Funding

The Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau had received funding from the City of Sedona for many years and negotiated with the City on an annual basis for these resources.  The Tourism Bureau worked with Nichols Tourism Group to develop advocacy materials that outlined  funding structures that would  provide a more consistent and dependable level of funding for the organization. By benchmarking Sedona to  national funding norms and outlining different funding models, NTG developed support from the lodging industry to increase bed tax levies, while the City agreed to a formula based percentage of bed taxes that would be allocated to the organization on an annual basis.  

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